Tuesday, September 14, 2010

walk this way

Ha-lak (Hawlak)

Yesterday I was chatting with Scott about followers and how the church has really lost the concept of what it means to follow. It got me thinking about a Hebrew word that is sometimes translated as follow or following.

It’s a really great term, one of my all time favorites. Halak is a verb that at its heart means to walk.

But in the Hebrew a verb changes meaning a bit when it changes form. It keeps the idea of walking but in one form (The Niphal verb stem) the word stops being to walk and translates better as to cause walking or to lead.

I’m convinced that as believers we are called to both and can do neither well without the other.

We must walk with God, and lead for God. (Follow, and invite followers.)

We can’t lead well without first following. We can’t really follow for long without leading.

Following and Leading should be tied together, continuously bound, as at their heart they mean the same thing -- walk.

Walk. And cause to walk. It seems like it should be simple but it is very hard to find folks who strive to do both. 

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